Guided tours

Tour Our Nation’s Most Decorated Battleship!

Aug 2, 2023 Comments Off on Tour Our Nation’s Most Decorated Battleship!

It’s a beautiful day to tour the Battleship New Jersey, our nation’s most decorated and largest battleship!  Climb inside the massive 16-inch gun turret, track a tomahawk missile launch in the Combat Engagement Center,  check our the navigation bridge, walk through an Iowa Class battleship engine room and more!  A…


Guided Engine Room Tour, Friday, Jan. 27 at 6pm

Jan 27, 2023 Comments Off on Guided Engine Room Tour, Friday, Jan. 27 at 6pm

Tickets are still available for tonight’s, Friday, Jan. 27, guided Engine Room Tour of the Battleship at 6pm. For tickets, visit


Battleship Open for Guided Tours Everyday in January and February

Jan 3, 2023 Comments Off on Battleship Open for Guided Tours Everyday in January and February

Although the Battleship New Jersey is currently closed for walk-up, self-guided tours during weekdays, the World’s Greatest Battleship is offering scheduled guided tours at noon Monday through Friday in January and February.  However, these tours must be purchased in advance online at . The Battleship’s Curatorial Staff will lead…
